The Millfield is a beautiful Georgian house set facing its own garden on the edge of Keswick. In recent years we have enhanced the main house with two modern wings, designed in harmony with the original building, and added a large conservatory.
The property is opposite Fitz park, just a short walk away from the bustling centre of town.
We can accommodate up to 45 people. We have 29 bedrooms in the main house, 5 in Blencathra wing and 10 in Beech wing. As a private residential home we can and do offer the personal touch, and have Care staff on hand 24 hours a day. At the Millfield we practise ‘people centred’ care; independence and individuality are respected, and the safety and comfort of residents are the prime considerations of everyone working here.
As well as offering the opportunity to forge new friendships, the Millfield makes every effort to keep residents mentally stimulated and involved. Residents are encouraged to pursue their hobbies and develop new ones. Staying active doesn’t have to stop with age either, as our regular ‘Oomph’ sessions show
The Millfield is actively involved with the local community, holding regular social events and parties to which all are invited. There is also a residents association, ‘The Millfielders’ which organises days out and special trips.
To find out if the Millfield is right for you or your relative needs a personal visit. You’re guaranteed a warm welcome, just phone first to set a time and the Millfield staff will even lay on tea. Residential admissions are offered on a four-week trial basis and subject to a full assessment of individual needs. For more information, or to make an appointment for a visit, please contact Val Loan, Manager on 017687 72099 or email: